Monday, May 28, 2012

Song Review: Honey.

 I find out about new artists in the most random ways sometimes, and this one was really no different. I was looking up dates for Owl City's summer concerts, and I saw that she was performing with him in San Francisco, so in an effort to get to know his opening acts (just because I'm a creepy stalker-fan), I looked her up and discovered that if you signed up for her email list, you would get a free single! So I signed up immediately, and got the free song. Score! I had to check this chick out more, just to make sure her song was all okay and stuff. And I love her! Honestly, who couldn't? She is adorable!!

ARTIST: Jayme Dee
GENRE: Electroacoustic/Jazz/Pop (self described)
DATE RELEASED: January 1, 2009
THOUGHTS: This is a very fun song, light and flirty, and dripping with witty wordplay, for example: I don't think you could fit through the door/ With a head that big,/ Surprised it don't hit the floor. Clever, right? She doesn't stop there, rather, she gathers steam, dissing her ex to no end, remarking how he was "just a phase", and things like that. The slight, bouncing rhythm is faintly reminiscent of older country-style songs, and she sings with a clear attitude throughout. It makes you want to cheer for her "You GO, girl!"-at least for me. She reminds me of a jazzier, less beachy, slightly younger Colbie Calliat. It's also nice how this is not over-produced at all, it's just her and some simple instrumentals, and that's really all this song needs.
OVERALL RATING: 4.5out of 5 stars. While the song is super cute, after a while, the rhythm gets a bit redundant.

Ciao for now,
~Singing Midget

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